Hill and Associates
Hill and Associates
Marriage and Family Counseling
Marriage and Family Counseling

We use what others say about our services as a way to grow. We wanted to share with you some of the comments we received from a professional athlete marriage training seminar held in April of 2016. We also included book endorsements from two people that have shaped our lives; they have endorsed Dr. Hill's book Living Beyond the Altar Call.
Comments from 2016 Marriage Training Session:
1. Dr. Monica Hill has so much wisdom . I wish I had more time for this session. She combined knowledge, humor & honesty in her presentation. Love it!
2. Could Have spent all day with Dr. Hill. She needs her own conference or more sessions
3. We attended this as our second session and B/C we had lost time (running behind schedule) it felt really rushed. Can you get her deck and distribute it to us
4. Session was too short. I loved her topics and realness and interactive part of hearing other couple's stories…I wanted more because the topics and other people's stories were similar to ours
5. Would like more time, exercises to work through individually
6. Great session, Dr. Hill was great and informative, just needed more time
7. I wish that we had more time! Dr. Hill was phenomenal.
8. Dr. Hill is an amazing speaker! She opened my eyes to things I deal with daily, from a totally different perspective. I would listen to her teach any day.
9. Dr. Monica Hill is a great speaker! Totally enjoyed this topic/session. Now I am able to understand some things in my own relationship
10. Well thought out, slides were not too busy. Engaged the audience!
11. She gave a lot of information and shared personal stories that made me feel as if we were not alone in this journey. It was great!
12. More time, perhaps organized dinner sessions
13. My wife and I loved the message, please bring her back!
14. Great tools to open to different perspectives
15. This is my field of expertise - she knows the info that matters and showed it in an interactive direct way. Loved this!
16. I particularly enjoyed the research that supported her statements
17. My husband and I have been married for over 20 years and everything Dr. Hill spoke about was very useful. Please bring her back for the next couple's conference.
18. I really enjoyed the empathy topic.
19. We want the two day seminar Dr. Hill does (New Beginnings for Marriage).
Book Endorsements
Here is a unique book from the life and pen of a unique person—a lady, a minister, and a therapist. In these pages, Dr. Monica Hill shares her personal journey of spiritual growth. Her theme, recurring in every chapter, is clear: How to truly and honestly live the new life of the believer beyond the altar call.
Using the acrostic M•A•R•R•I•A•G•E, Dr. Hill gives eight timely guideposts for an effective journey into what the Ancients called “Sanctification” or a full life in Christ. Monica freely opens up the door of her own heart and becomes vulnerable to the reader about her own personal struggles toward Christ-likeness. All of the above converge in the final chapter into a poem on “The Journey of Life.” The poem is a tribute to her readers and a prayer for their success.
Ronald E. Cottle, Ph.D., Ed.D, D.D.
Founder and President Emeritus
Beacon University
Christian Life School of Theology
February 1, 2016
Deciding to commit one’s life to God involves a willingness to make personal sacrifices, and as a Believer, Dr. Hill chose to commit her life to Him as her sacrifice. Learning to be like Jesus by first learning to think like Him is an important step in this lifelong journey, and listening to His Holy Spirit gives us the understanding to move forward in our spiritual development.
Answering God’s call when we feel it in our heart gives our life direction and purpose, but it takes courage to step out in faith and say, “Here I am, Lord.” In Living Beyond the Altar Call, Dr. Monica Turner Hill shares her testimony and provides the directions on how to begin the faith walk. I truly believe this inspiring book will help readers greatly in their Christian walk.
—Creflo Dollar
Senior Pastor
World Changers Church International
December 23, 2015